Local Situational Awareness System
Safety through vision
Safely navigating an unfamiliar terrain in a visually degraded environment has always been a challenge on the battlefield. Situational awareness is critical for success when field-of-view is restricted and threats are concealed.
Supashock’s Local Situational Awareness System (LSAS) is designed for military and emergency response applications, detecting people and objects and providing crew with visual alerts.

LSAS has been integrated into the Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicle platform to enhance the battlefield awareness of the crew, enabling instantaneous detection of specific threats, automated target recognition and tracking, and real-time situational awareness.
Utilising wide-angle cameras capable of standard and thermal vision and upgradable to include an integrated passive radar system, LSAS improves driver and crew effectiveness by extending the field-of-view beyond the normal spectrum.
LSAS is an invaluable tool when navigation unfamiliar terrain in adverse weather and low-light conditions.

Key features:
- 360° vision system,
- Detects people, vehicles and custom objects,
- Can be built on thermal or night-vision cameras,
- CANBus network communication,
- Supports 6 video outputs and video over ethernet.
Leverage our expertise in engineering design, analysis, lifecycle testing and manufacturing. Supashock’s advanced capabilities and product suite are available to help you bring your Defence products to life.
Supashock Advanced Technologies
2-6 Ardtornish St
Holden Hill, SA, 5088, Australia
Phone: +61 08 8333 1123